SC20 Is Everywhere We Are

Virtual Event FAQ

You’re Generation Next

Student volunteers play a key role in supporting conference attendees and the conference overall. Undergraduate and graduate students help with the administration of the conference and have the opportunity to participate in the Students@SC program, explore the Exhibits, attend technical presentations, and develop lasting professional connections. The Student Volunteers program accepts a large number of students, both domestic and international, with the goal of welcoming new members into the HPC community.


Remote Participation

The SC20 committee is dedicated to providing the community with the best possible conference experience for all participants. SC20 will provide a comprehensive remote participation program for the conference in November.

Check out the FAQ for more details on the Student Volunteers program!

Lead Student Volunteers

Former SC student volunteers are encouraged to apply for a lead student volunteer role.

Lead student volunteers are valued leaders in student programs and work directly with committee members on a specific part of the conference. These volunteers typically work more hours than a regular student volunteer, and are required to attend several phone meetings in advance of the conference. Lead student volunteers help select and train the rest of the volunteer team and mentor new students. This is an excellent opportunity for students looking to join the conference committee.

SCinet Student Volunteers

If you are interested in high performance networks and are available the week prior to the conference in addition to the week of, consider applying as a SCinet student volunteer.

Approximately 20 students are selected to work with various SCinet teams, including fiber, network security, routing, and communications, to build and operate SCinet. These students work directly alongside professionals from educational institutions, HPC centers, network equipment vendors, national laboratories, research institutions, research networks, and telecommunications carriers.

Student Volunteers FAQ


More information on how to be a student volunteer.

View Student Volunteer FAQ

Stay Connected


Participate in SC’s social media channels geared toward student volunteers.


Students@SC Success Stories


Be inspired by positive student experiences at SC.

Stories in the SC20 Blog

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