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Here we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news and perspectives on topics related to SC and the upcoming conference throughout the year. Check out the tags to explore more posts on the subjects that interest you.

SC’s First Virtual Student Cluster Competition Concludes with Teams Greatly Expanding Their Knowledge of Running HPC Workloads in the Cloud

This past Wednesday at 5 pm EST, 19 student teams all breathed a sigh of relief as the 72-hour long Virtual Student Cluster Competition concluded. Over the past 3 days, 114 students, the mentors from all 19 teams, and the VSCC committee worked non-stop as the competition unfolded. Throughout it all, the teams and the

Students@SC Embraces Virtual Format and Announces Student Programming at SC20

Students@SC is a platform for students to learn, connect, and grow professionally at the SC conference. The Students@SC cohorts (Student Volunteers, Student Cluster Competition, HPC Immersion, Computing4Change) will all be executed in a fully virtual manner. Students@SC will also be hosting a variety of additional events specifically targeting students! Students@SC Sessions Students@SC will host sessions

Computing4Change Student Profiles: 2020 Edition (Part 2)

Although SC20 and Computing4Change have shifted to virtual mode, we still want to share profiles of the incredible students and mentors that will be participating in the C4C program. They hail from 10 states and US Territories, and have a wide range of diverse experiences and life goals. Zoe Banks is a sophomore studying Computer

Five-Time Student Volunteer Angel Beltre Describes the Impact of the Program Over the Years

Angel Beltre, a doctoral student at Binghamton University, logged his fifth time as a Student Volunteer at SC19. He describes the impact that the SC Conference’s student volunteer programs have provided him throughout the years. Inspired by Angel’s story? Be sure to check out all the excellent opportunities for students at Students@SC. — Christine Baissac-HaydenSC20

SCinet Student Volunteer Rajani Pingili Gains Impactful Hands-On Experience

Rajani Pingili, a doctoral student from Western Michigan University, was a first-time SCinet Student Volunteer at SC19. She describes the experience as an “impactful hands-on opportunity” that the SCinet volunteers shared with the students. Inspired by Rajani’s story? Be sure to check out all the excellent opportunities for students at Students@SC. — Christine Baissac-HaydenSC20 Students@SC

Computing4Change Student Profiles: 2020 Edition (Part 1)

Although SC20 and Computing4Change (C4C) have shifted to virtual mode, we still want to share profiles of the incredible students and mentors that will be participating in the C4C program. They hail from 10 states and US Territories, and have a wide range of diverse experiences and life goals. Votreeshwaran Ilangovan is a junior at

SC20 Students@SC Virtual Program Takes Shape

SC20 is proud to welcome 248 Students@SC participants and awardees to its unprecedented virtual conference. Along with 18 lead student volunteer and 102 students in the Virtual Student Cluster Competition, 128 students will participate in the SC Technical Program, a robust schedule of student-specific sessions organized for all student attendees. The Student Programming Committee, led

Student Volunteer Neda Tavakoli Stays Up to Date with New Trends and Research at SC

After many years as an SC Student Volunteer, Neda Tavakoli, a computer science major at Georgia Tech, shares how impactful the SC Conferences have been in keeping her up to date with new trends and research. Be sure to check out all the excellent opportunities for students at Students@SC. — Christine Baissac-HaydenSC20 Students@SC Communications Liaison

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